2025 Stallion Service Auction



The Southwest Reined Cow Horse Association developed the SRCHA Stallion Service Auction to benefit its competitors, with 100% of the proceeds going toward the  Events awards and prize money for the current year. With its two major events, the Wild Rag Classic in April and the Pre- Futurity held in August at the Will Rogers Memorial Center, Ft Worth TX , stallion owners have two opportunities to promote their stallions for the current and upcoming breeding seasons at no cost to the stallion owner. (Mare owner will be responsible for all chute fees, mare care costs and/or semen shipping costs.)

In return for the exposure and promotional opportunity, the Southwest Reined Cow Horse Association requests one stallion service, to be donated for online auction beginning January 2 and close on February 3rd 7:00 pm CST

Stallion Owner Incentive 

 By participating in this stallion service auction, the stallion owner will receive the following at the 2025 event(s):

  • 10 x 10” booth per stallion, on the John Justin arena concourse at the Wild Rag Classic and the Pre-Futurity.
  • 30 second video, to be shown throughout the Pre-Futurity, featured on the live internet broadcast via Equine Promotions at the Pre-
    Futurity. (video to be provided by stallion owner/agent and received by event management by July 15 th )
  • 20” x 24” color stallion poster (produced by SRCHA) displayed in a SRCHA sponsored Stallion Booth on the John Justin arena concourse at both events. Artwork to be provided by stallion owner or agent at least two weeks prior to the start of the event.
  • Stallion logo and link to stallion web site on the SRCHA website, www.srcha.orgWe invite you to donate a breeding to your stallion and take part in this successful program which is offered annually through the Southwest Reined Cow Horse Association. (Donated service is for onsite ranch breeding, or cooled shipped semen ONLY. Mare owner is required to pay extra for frozen semen, if available. Mare owner is responsible for all related expenses including, but not limited to chute fees, shipping, veterinary expenses and mare care.) See information Form below as well as the donation form.  Thank you for participating.
  • 2025 SRCHA Stallion Donation Form
  • 2025_stallion_auction_info form pdf


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